Bürokratt can be hosted in two ways: on the Government Cloud or locally on your own servers. In addition to the production environment, the Bürokratt test environment can also be deployed, allowing for testing of Bürokratt upgrades prior to implementing them in the production environment.
We recommend using the services of the Government Cloud for installing Bürokratt, as it offers several advantages over installing it locally on your own server:
low installation and management costs (more details below);
fast installation with the help of the experienced Government Cloud team;
no need for additional management service;
automated version control.
To join Bürokratt on the Government Cloud, you will need to sign the following contracts:
Connection contract with the Government Cloud;
TARA integration.
If you want to use the Bürokratt test environment, you must also apply to join the TARA test environment.
Contract with the Information System Authority to join the Bürokratt network.
To install Bürokratt locally, please refer to the instructions on Bürokratt’s GitHub page, integrate TARA and conclude a contract with the Information System Authority.
a) On the Estonian Government Cloud
Cost of Government Cloud service (includes installation, management and maintenance)
Costs can be determined based on the technical requirements and the estimated volumes provided therein. It is essential to keep in mind that actual costs depend on actual volumes used.
b) On the institution’s own infrastructure
These costs will differ across institutions, but we anticipate that they will primarily comprise the following two cost items:
IT development and maintenance partner costs for installation and management
Potential server costs
The cost of installing a chat window on a website also varies depending on the agreement with the institution’s IT partner who installs it as a separate job or whether it can be done by an in-house developer who can add the necessary code lines independently.
The potential costs associated with the TARA authentication service should also be considered. The majority of public authorities and local governments do not need to pay for using TARA. However, the fee may apply to other public sector institutions. The full list can be found in the data table ‘Public sector institutions by administrative areas’.
​If both the Bürokratt production environment and the test environment are implemented, it is essential to include the costs associated with both environments in the overall cost calculation.