Data reuse
What are we doing to support data reuse in Estonia?
The Estonian digital government is already one of the best in the world. At the same time, there is significant untapped potential for data reuse in its broadest sense.
For example, Estonia’s Digital Agenda 2030 identifies the following as necessary developments for a digital government:
wider use of data in governing the state (data-driven decision-making);
broad reuse of data to reduce the reporting burden of businesses and citizens;
use of data to provide proactive and event-based services;
development of data literacy, data analysis and data science skills, which is of paramount importance from both the public and private sector standpoint. Find out more about currently available training courses and events.
​We also encourage all interested parties to join our data network where information about the latest guidelines, state activities and data reuse solutions is shared. Representatives from the public sector, private sector and academia are welcome to join the network. If you are interested, please send us an email at